It’s time to tell the truth about women of color and social justice. From the streets, to the ballot box, to elected office, no other demographic group stands up more consistently and unequivocally for human rights, democracy, and the planet. Yet when they are in leadership positions, women of color face persistent and unfair obstacles. For them, too often, the game is rigged.

How much more could humanity be winning if we unrigged it? What might be possible, in this clutch moment of history, with so much on the line, if movements stopped benching our best in ways that negatively impact the scoreboard for everybody?

Unrig the Game: What Women of Color Can Teach Everyone About Winning (Random House, March 4, 2025) draws on interviews with 45 of the most powerful women of color movement leaders of our time, as well as my own experience as a leader, organizer, and funder. It offers effective women of color leaders and everyone who supports them a playbook for unrigging the game so we can all win.

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