the next few years, California progressives face the opportunities and challenges of redistricting, a potential governor recall campaign, nationally crucial congressional races, close to 100(!) state legislative seats terming out, and an opportunity to elect 56 out of 58 district attorneys. And despite having a super democratic majority, our state legislature is still 70% male and too beholden to corporate and wealthy special interests. The next two years are critical to build up our infrastructure and the momentum we need to win a PROGRESSIVE, women of color-led legislature to realize a more progressive California.
This series will cover these issues and the work of California Donor Table and our partners to advance the progressive movement between now and 2022.
Past Webinars
From Winning to Co-Governing- March 14
The first webinar in our “Next Stop 2022” series was “From Winning to Co-Governance.” We first heard from CDT grantee and ED of SF Rising, Emily Lee. She spoke on the rising violence against AAPI communities, specifically women, nationally, but also in CA. We then heard from CDT ED, Ludovic Blain about the strategic future of the organization and what’s on the horizon. The bulk of our event was a panel discussion moderated by Close the Gap CA ED Susannah Delano. Our Panelists, Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes, Sky Allen from IE United, and CDT Board Member Karen Grove covered what CDT, our grantees, and our endorsed candidates accomplished in 2020, hurdles and opportunities for progressives to win over the next few years, and ways progressive donors can make the biggest impact.
The California Recall: A progressive lens on the recall of Gov. Newsom- April 14
CDT’s Tim Molina organized our second Next Stop: 2022 webinar “The California Recall: A progressive lens on the recall of Gov. Newsom” alongside Voices for Progress, Solidaire Action Fund, Airlift, the Democracy Alliance, Way to Win, Movement Voter Project, Committee on States, and Latino Community Foundation. If you missed it you can watch the recording here.
We had a rich discussion led by key California leaders Dr. Manuel Pastor of USC, Irene Kao with Courage California, Pablo Rodriguez with Communities for a New California, Angelica Salas with CHIRLA, and LA City Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson.
Our speakers made a few important points clear:
- This fight is beyond Newsom. The GOP see this as a way to recover from the 2020 election.
- Newsom’s recall is raising millions for the republicans that plan to spend it not just in CA but on Governor and down ballot races across the country.
- The recall will be a momentum and power builder for either party. Even if the recall is defeated, it might help Republicans raise a war chest and prepare them to win key congressional seats in CA in 2022. And as we know, the path for the GOP to take back Congress must come through California.
- It will be inland votes, Latinx, and other often forgotten voters that will be the deciding factor in this fight and the 2022 election.