The Gavin Newsom Recall Is a Farce – Most Californians want no part of this nonsense. – Useful op-ed in the NY Times by Ezra Klein (based in SF) about the CA recall.
After a slow start, California ranks 10th in the nation for coronavirus vaccinations. It’s down to about three cases per 100,000 residents. Its economy is booming. According to Bloomberg, the state “has no peers among developed economies for expanding G.D.P., creating jobs, raising household income, manufacturing growth, investment in innovation, producing clean energy and unprecedented wealth through its stocks and bonds.” State coffers are flush: The governor’s office estimates a $76 billion budget surplus. The Legislative Analyst’s Office puts it at $38 billion. (The difference turns on the definition of the word “surplus.”)
So what is California doing in this moment of plenty? Deciding whether to recall its governor, of course.