Inside Philanthropy just covered our impact report: In California, These Donors Are Playing the Long Game to Build Power and Advance Change
Here’s an excerpt from the article: [A group that has been operating largely under the radar, the California Donor Table (CDT), is in one of the most reliably progressive states in the country. It was established in 2005 (initially as the Progressive Era Project; it was renamed in 2016) by a handful of donors who knew each other from the Democracy Alliance…Quinn Delaney, one of the original anchor donors, says, “From the beginning, we were focused on racial equity and on the empowerment of communities of color.”
As outlined recently in CDT’s “Together We Win” report, its longevity and deep work in regions throughout the state have paid off in shifting state and local elected bodies toward a more progressive agenda. Ludovic Blain was hired in 2009 as the first staff person for the donor table, bringing deep experience on issues like environmental justice, voting rights and campaign finance reform.]
Read the full article here
Read the full Impact Report here